Stand and Cheer was built as a grassroots organization around race tracks, by individuals who love racing and their families and are now organized and fighting for their rights in the community. Today, advocates across the country continue to advocate and share stories about their support of motorsports and what is possible with proper support and services. Their stories and activism transform legislation and actions into real-life impact. Through them, the mission of Stand and Cheer comes to life and demonstrates the importance of building a future that includes racing and motorsports Locally and Nationally.
What Stand and Cheer Does:
Work on Issues Related to Motorsports
We help with Local, State and Federal issues. Local assistance comes via requests through our Freedom to Race Initiative. Stand and Cheer watches the federal landscape for important issues and then engages the group. Everything we do is story based advocacy. This resonates on all level of government and in the arena of public opinion.
We Help Share Stories
Sharing personal stories about the real-life impact of public policy is one of the most powerful tools we have – they educate, motivate, and empower. Much of this is done through advocates who have shared their stories about how they support and enjoy racing, and more.
Continuously Engage with Elected Officials
Sharing your point of view with your Local and State Officials and Members of Congress is an important part of our democracy. It’s their job to represent you and they want to hear from you! There are always important issues at stake.
Your Local and State Officials and Members of Congress need to hear directly from their constituents on how programs, agency activities and laws make a difference – and they need to hear from us. Way too often race enthusiasts and supporting groups remain silent. When this happens we give way too much power to small groups or bureaucrats who have no interest in protecting our rights or sport. Why? Because they are not race fans!
Providing Tools
Stand and Cheer provides tools to help our group. As we transition from an aligned advocacy group to a full 501(c)4, we will be dramatically expanding our network and tool box. We will be making everyone's life easier.
We provide the tools necessary to help with State and Local government actions that affect motorsports and racing.
We provide the tools necessary to help with State and Federal government actions that affect motorsports and racing.
Sign up to hear from us about what is happening in racing and motorsports
Stand and Cheer - 888-556-5850 ext. 225
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